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Rider Of The Week! Lynn Berendsen

Lynn Berendsen has worked for various clients via Bikeshift in recent years. We have always enjoyed working with her! A place in the Rider of the week blog is of course the least we could do!

14 December 2021ΙLodewijk van Nooten

Three years ago, after a dark period in my life, I started working for a delivery service in Utrecht via Bikeshift. At the time, it was quite a challenge for me to pick up the thread and get back into (working) life.

From day one, the communication with Bikeshift was incredibly smooth, clear and transparent. I knew what was expected of me, both on the shop floor and in the collaboration with Bikeshift.

I loved doing the delivery work, cycling through the city with music through my earphones to clear my head. Later, I took on a more managerial role, which was only encouraged by Bikeshift and was proof to me that I had managed to pick up the thread.

When I later became a single mother and started to work for another delivery service, Bikeshift again gave me all the space I needed to see how I could manage to organise my life with my job and a small child.

In the meantime, I am ready for a next step and so the collaboration with Bikeshift stops now. I can only say that I am extremely grateful for the good times I've had at Bikeshift, for their confidence in me, the clear communication and the opportunity to look together at what is possible. Says Lynn Berendsen (worked via Bikeshift at Thuisbezorgd and Gorillas).

A reference through the eyes of a rider
A reference through the eyes of a rider

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